הרגעים הקצרים | The Short Moments

הריקוד | The Dance

העברית ממש מיד אחרי… 🙂

The winds' flute twirls
between the rains' drums
and the thunder-bass's
changing tempos,
arranging / re-arranging
the water fragments and hail-dots
that frolic in the crisp air,
creating the Elements' dance

Surrounded by this symphony I sit
with the memento box in my lap
sifting through it, remembering,
arranging / re-arranging
a fragment, a dot, a lost tempo –
a note, a gift, an experience –
the Elements that make up
Life's dance



חליל הרוח מסתלסל
בין תופי הגשם
לבין הבסים הרועמים
במקצבים משתנים,
מסדר ומארגן את
רסיסי המים וניקוד הברד,
המחוללים באוויר החד,
יוצר את ריקוד האיתנים

יושבת לצלילי הסימפוניה הזו
כשקופסת העבר בחיקי,
מחטטת בה, נזכרת,
מסדרת ומארגנת את
הרסיס, הניקוד, המקצב האבוד –
הפתק, המתת, החוויה –
האיתנים המרכיבים
את ריקוד החיים



31 תגובות בנושא “הריקוד | The Dance

  1. the arranging and re-arranging power of the wind… its symphony… really cool capture of some of its facettes… nice to meet you… and is this hebrew on your blog? i'm writing from left to right… very cool..smiles


  2. So nice to meet you at D'verse ~ I love the tempo of the dance and the symphony of arranging and re-arranging the elements and sounds ~ I find it cool to see another language and writing on the other side, smiles ~ Thanks for joining in ~


    1. Very nice to meet you too 🙂 and thank you. Glad you liked it.
      And thanks also for being there to join! This has been fun and interesting, and I'm looking forward to tomorrow, when I'll be back to reading the ones I ran out of time for today


  3. Ooh, I like the analogy and the perfect parallel structure of the first and second stanza. A prefectly controlled, well-balanced poem. Welcome to dVerse and hope to see you here again!


    1. Oh, wow, thanks! But you gave me a touch too much credit and I wouldn't want to disappoint you in future.
      I see myself as an emotional writer. As such, control and balance are more subconscious than a real cerebral effort on my part, they could be missing here and there.
      But I too hope to see everyone at dVerse again 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you 🙂 It is actually based on a real stormy moment I experienced a couple of months back, which dVerse helped me put into words and finish. Very glad you liked it.
      Peace to you too (and to all), L


  4. נעים מאוד
    I am just starting to study Hebrew so I know about — this much.. I like the sorting through the memento box. Excellent structure to this poem.. I enjoyed this a lot.


    1. נעים גם לי 🙂
      good luck to you! Not the easiest language to learn in adulthood. All the best wishes for success
      And I'm happy you enjoyed this. That's one of the reasons for writing – giving the reader something in return to their time spent here


I'd love to read you :-) For English, right click on the comment field bellow. You'd get a popup, including "writing direction". Hover over it and you’ll get options to change text justification. Choose the Left to Right

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